Investment Fundamental- patience is everything

After 6 years of investment, I need to note down what I learned for my personal finance. I used to believe in saving money however when Covid breakout  I was retrenched from the airport. There was a thought that my future is uncertain. I managed to conclude a synergy model that work for me.

The pie chart above shows how I structure my portfolio into a eco-system. 

At  this level 1 stage, I am making sure that at least of 4 months of salary to cover my downside. I always transfer some salary and dividends to SGD Money Market Fund if the stock market remain bull case. 

A few years ago, I constantly invested my CPF into S&P 500 (SGD Hedge) leaving at least 30K in the OA however I decided to full withdraw the fund back to OA due to BTO a home with a return of 35%. 

Leve 1 stage, is the based of my investment setting it provides synergy to Level 2 and Level 3. I think training our patience is so important at this stage when the opportunity happens I able to buy the dip using money from level 1. 

Basically price fluctuations have only one significant meaning for the true investor" - they provide an opportunity to buy wisely when prices fall and sell wisely when they rise significantlyBenjamin Graham



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